Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Here is the first piece of artwork for the Swine Suicide cassette tape. this is just half of what is to come, i am currently working on the cover for this release and also working on some artwork for another project called School Spirit. School Spirit is a good old rock n roll/garage/pop band and they are putting out some good stuff in the near future! it can be heard here at:

i also received my Leviathan CD "Verrater" it is G R I M , D A R K , B E A U T I F U L and T R U E black metal. Wrest is a genius orchestrator and people should appreciate his art form, satanic or not it is still music. my values and beliefs are not of his but his music is devastating and incredible. pick this album up!

1 comment:

  1. Are you playing in School Spirit or just doing the art?
